Tags: MITRE; CREF; Navigator; Cyber Resiliency Engineering Framework; NIST SP 800-160
- CREF Navigator (mitre.org)
- SP 800-160 Vol. 2 Rev. 1, Developing Cyber-Resilient Systems: SSE Approach | CSRC (nist.gov)
What is it?
“a relational database of NIST SP 800-160 Volume 2 concepts that is searchable, visualizes resilience relationships & presents a Web UI while utilizing portable, opensource components to enable use in tools. The CREF Navigator distills tons of useful terms, tables, and relationships from the CREF/NIST SP 800-160 Volume 2 into an online tool.”
Must-see Images:
Visualize the interaction between the Goals, Objectives,
Techniques, and Approaches of Cyber Resiliency:
Interaction of Techniques, Approaches, and Adversarial