Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hacking Exposed: Computer Forensics Update

We've been asked to update Hacking Exposed: Computer Forensics and bring out a 3rd edition in 2014.

Here's the proposed chapter layout:

Part 1 Fundamentals
1 The Forensics Process
2 Computer Fundamentals
3 Forensic Lab Environment Preparation

Part 2 Evidence Collection
4 Forensically Sound Evidence Collection
5 Enterprise Forensic Collections

Part 3 Forensic Analysis
6 Malware
7 Microsoft Windows Systems Analysis
8 Linux Analysis
9 Macintosh Analysis
10 Cloud Forensics
11 Memory Analysis
12 Defeating Anti-forensic Techniques
13 Enterprise Server and Storage Analysis
14 Email Analysis
15 Internet History Analysis
16 Mobile Forensics

Part 4 Presenting your findings
17 Documenting the Investigation
18 Investigations in the US Legal system
19 investigations in the Euro Legal system
20 Investigations between legal systems

Part 5 Advanced Forensics
21 External Device Analysis
22 Tracking the cloud
23 Enterprise Networks
24 Server Side Application Forensics
25 Source code analysis

A Searching Techniques