Monday, May 9, 2022

Coding Resources

This isn't for everyone, but for those with the intelligence, work ethic, proclivity...

There's a LOT of money to be made here. 

There's a fascinating website,, which has a list of coding problems you can explore. Consistently hitting medium problems successfully? Let me know if you'd like a job. This is where really good money starts. 

Specific to cloud computing, a slightly different route that is also profitable, is

Specific to *learning* how to code, and what programming language to learn... C, C#, python, JavaScript, Java, SQL, no SQL. Right now I hear a lot about “R” for statistical modeling and graphical programming. It’s used a lot in data analysis. I know that there’s a huge shortage of people with this expertise because it’s hard, but reach out if you excel at solving these kinds of problems!  

There are a ton of free and low-cost resources online! Two really popular websites for learning how to code include and